The Cricket is (sometimes) Wise

Posts tagged “personalities


Kyala, growing blind and full of tumors, still becomes excited at the thought of going outside.  She enjoys the warmth of the sun and even though she’s old and feeble, she’ll happily take part in a game of ‘chase the puppy’ as often as possible.

Pebbles, almost completely deaf and blind, still becomes annoyed at the thought of everything and everybody.  She makes me giggle, as she tends to be more like we humans than we’d like to think.


Sagan, the big ol’ sissy pants that he is, is just happy to be inside.  Outside is hot and makes him miserable; he continuously wishes he’d been born with a coat which was not ‘hotter than hades’ black.


Michiyo, knowing full well she’s the princess of the pack, tries to be the best friend she can to all the dogs.  She races up and down the tiles, engaging everyone in play…before heading under the sofa, where absolutely no one else can go.


Trace, being the most subservient creature on the face of the planet, just follows everyone else.  No questions, no hesitation, just has that whole, “Ok, George!” attitude.
